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MunJob Oy

The first part of the company’s name means "my" regarding the personal belonging to work, because in reality employee is choosing place where he or she want to work. The change from "employer’s" market to current situation was a real revolution, where internet played a relevant role.


Our mission is to help job seekers and employers to connect with each other more quickly and efficiently, so the process for both parties is an experience which exceeds all expectations.



In future perspective computers, artificial intelligence algorithms will replace us in many complex processes. Analysis of data from past ensures sustainable futures. Our company is a true pioneer in the field of analysing labour data now and in future.


The founders of MunJob Oy are experienced entrepreneurs with total of 100 years of expertise from international labor market. The idea was born from personal business needs and inspirational future perspective goal on digitalization market.

The idea was born in 2015, but it was based on digital trading platform for international goods which was implemented at the turn of millennium. Nowadays, we are continuing development of platform with the same coding specialists, which we know for 20 years already. Tools and ideas improved, but long-term employees guarantee the result.

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    Visibility of skills

    Mapping skills was made easier by creating CV sparring tool on behalf of Häme's department of ELY- keskus. In addition skill mapping tool is based on artificial intelligence program which is developed  by our team.   

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    API integrations

    During the this year we integrated several external data sources and data processing services to MunJob  platform. We are committed to use "My data" principles in all our activities.

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    Year of corona - virus

    Our marketing started really well during the beginning of the year, but it fully collapsed during the spring of 2020, because of worldwide pandemic of corona virus. We decided to concentrate  on product and service development with help of governmental subsidies. The result was CV enrichment tool, which was developed into CV  sparring service.

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    Platform development

    During the year, the platform of MunJob received huge number of new  features and was strengthened significantly from technical  side. We also  added option of registering to external service providers.

  • MunJob MVP 2018

    Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    The development of MVP continued based on user experience gained from the pilot customers. Features related to the  self-evaluation and communication were added to the service.

  • Työnantajalle Dashboard heti rekisteröitymisen jälkeen 27-02-2017

    Technical experiments

    Firstly, we made a prototypes and conducted technical experiments . The suitability was compared with our needs. The industry was so versatile and challenging so there was no ready platform to meet all our needs.

Contact persons

Janne Kyllönen v2

Janne Kyllönen

International serial entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in IT and digital marketing sectors.

Pavel Briuzga 655x882

Pavel Briuzga

Expert in fields of immigration and international recruitment in Finland.